Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Instead of "Use it or Lose it" Vacation Time Policies, why not try Something Different?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, despite vacation time being nearly 7% of an employee’s total benefits package,1 people on average are taking fewer and fewer vacation days each year. Over the past decade this number has risen to an estimated 5.7 unused vacation days per year, worth between $1898-$2609 per employee. This unused vacation time results in lost productivity and low morale as well as a very real financial burden. Private companies are reporting some $224 billion in liabilities from rolled-over vacation time according to the U.S. Travel Association.2   As a result, they are forced to implement creative - and at times stringent - policies to get employees to use their vacation time (such as use-it-or-lose-it policies). Instead of coming down with a heavy hammer, why not try some positive reinforcement?

By partnering with us, you will show your staff that you care about their mental well-being and come out looking like the good guy while we do all the work. We will set up a personalized Web portal, complete with your company’s logo, that you can like to your Intranet. Your employees will have direct access to us and all of our travel offers. Best of all, it won’t cost you anything. We’ll even waive our service fees for them, including our group fees if you decide to book a retreat or seminar at sea with us! What can you lose?

OK, it's probably true that carrots alone won't be enough to save your company from paying out all that unused vacation time when an employee leaves. Still, I don't think anyone would argue with an appropriate balance of carrot and stick. Chances are, if you have made it to the higher ranks of your organization, you've garnered a fair amount of negative sentiment just by the nature of your role and the decisions you make on a regular basis. Providing a travel resource to your staff is sure to help you recover some of that lost street cred with the people you lead. Show them what we already know is true, that you do care.

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